Responsible & Regulated

Youth awareness program educates on risks of problem gambling

Studies have shown that youth between the ages of 18 and 24 experience the highest risk of developing gambling problems. Know the Score 2 (kts2) is a program that was developed to focus on this at-risk demographic. The evidence-based, interactive problem gambling awareness program engages university and colleges students in a fun and informative way. In the 2019-2020 academic year, it was delivered on eight college and university campuses in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

The four objectives for the kts2 program are:

  • to dispel myths associated with gambling,
  • to highlight signs of problem gambling,
  • to share problem gambling services, and
  • to suggest ways to keep gambling safer.

Atlantic Lottery has partnered with the program creators, The Responsible Gambling Council (RGC) a number of times over the years to help deliver the program in Atlantic Canada.

“Atlantic Lottery is commited to educating Atlantic Canadians on healthy and informed play,” said Ashley McGuigan, a corporate social responsibility advisor at Atlantic Lottery. “Partnering with the RGC continues to be a great opportunity to enhance awareness on myths associated with gambling, community support and healthy play habits for young adults who are 19 and older.”

A total of 1,275 students completed a feedback form following the program to assess its effectiveness and impact. These feedback forms indicated:

  • 80% of students said the program would help them make more informed choices and decisions about gambling,
  • 75% of students indicated the program increased their awareness of myths about gambling,
  • 75% of students indicated the program increased their awareness of the signs of problem gambling,
  • 83% indicated that the program increased their awareness of the problem gambling services available,
  • and 77% of students indicated the program helped them learn how to keep gambling safer.

“The program engages college and university students in a unique way, while using social media as one of the ways students can access the information,” McGuigan said. “It provides them with information that is not only relevant to them, but to their friends and family too.”

For more information on Atlantic Lottery’s responsible gambling initiatives, and for information on how to talk to youth about gambling, visit the PlayWise section of