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Giving Back with United Way

United Way has been Atlantic Lottery’s corporate charity of choice since 1993. What exactly does that mean?

It means…

  • Atlantic Lottery has a dedicated committee of employees who volunteer to raise funds for their local United Way, across all four Atlantic Provinces. These employees dedicate their time to various fundraisers and campaigns throughout the year that consistently see a strong response.
  • One of the employees’ favourite United Way fundraisers is Auto-Lotto, which is a raffle to win parking spots in the lot near the office’s main entrance. These spots are special, because no-one in the organization can park in them unless their name is chosen through the raffle.
  • Fundraisers such as Auto-Lotto, an employee payroll deduction program and various others throughout the years have led to a total donation of more than $1.2million to United Way since 1993.
  • The other way Atlantic Lottery contributes to the United Way is with time. Every year, employees go into their communities to volunteer during the United Way Day of Caring. Last year, more than 70 employees participated, helping to paint, garden, clean, build, and support many not-for-profit organizations in the Greater Moncton Area.

To learn more about United Way and the remarkable work they do, visit their website here.