Atlantic Lottery receives worldwide recognition for responsible gambling programs
For Atlantic Lottery, responsible gambling is woven into the fabric of every game, program, advertisement, promotion and practice offered to players. In recognition of that, recently the corporation achieved Level 4 Recertification under the World Lottery Association (WLA) Responsible Gaming Framework.
This is the highest level available to a lottery under the framework, which Atlantic Lottery has achieved since 2010.
Best in Class
The WLA, formed in 1999, is a global professional association of state lottery and gaming organizations from more than 80 countries on six continents. All members, including Atlantic Lottery, adhere to strict standards of social responsibility, responsible gambling and risk management.
Ashley McGuigan, Atlantic Lottery’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Advisor, led a team of employees from across the corporation in developing this year’s WLA Level 4 Recertification submission.
“When organizations reach Level 4, it’s all about continuous improvement,” McGuigan says. “This shows that we offer some of the best programs and practices in the world – not just Atlantic Canada but globally – and that our responsible gambling practices are held to a really high standard.”
A Team Effort
Recertification is required every three years, and McGuigan says work is ongoing throughout the organization over that three-year period to prepare for the WLA submission and advance responsible gambling practices.
McGuigan says a multi-disciplinary team of people from across Atlantic Lottery works throughout the years to ensure the corporation is continuously evolving responsible gambling programs, as well as providing players with the right information, tools and resources to make informed decisions about their play.
“I am very proud of the outcome and the work of the Atlantic Lottery team. Responsible Gambling is a core value within Atlantic Lottery, it’s within every business decision we make,” McGuigan says. “There are so many folks across the business that really make this happen, it’s not just the CSR team. A lot of work goes into this and a lot of individuals across the corporation play a huge role in making this happen. That shows that responsible gambling is integrated into the business.”
What WLA Said About AL
On Employee Training: “The [Red Shores Mock Self-Exclusion Training] is quite interesting and appears to provide the intended results. Congratulation for your effort on this important topic!”
On Treatment Referral: “The Red Shores self-exclusion program appears to meet the highest standards in the field.”