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Atlantic Lottery Diversity and Inclusion Council making small steps and a big difference

Alison Stultz, Atlantic Lottery’s vice-president of people and culture, describes diversity as “the mix” and inclusion as getting the mix to work well together. In order to achieve both goals, she set out on a mission.

In 2018, Stultz put out a call to all Atlantic Lottery employees, and the Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council was born.

“Our vision is that we are committed to creating a workplace that recognizes, respects and accommodates the diversity and inclusion of all individuals,” Stultz said. “This is a journey that will continue for many years, but we are taking the steps to make our company stronger and improve our employees’ experiences.”

The council believes that small steps can make a big difference and, thanks to this mindset, it has reached several goals since its inception:

  • Council members completed cultural sensitivity training program provided by MAGMA (Multicultural Association of the Greater Moncton Area) and became members of the Canadian Centre for Diversity & Inclusion, which provides many training and education resources on the subject.
  • A “Pin your Place” map exercise determining where employees were born garnered positive feedback and interesting discussion between colleagues.
  • Pronouns have been added to employee email signatures in an effort to eliminate stigma.
  • A non-gendered, inclusive washroom has been installed in the Atlantic Lottery head office.

Stultz was recently invited to participate as a panelist on workforce diversity at the Workforce Summit 20/20 held by The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Moncton and 3+ Corporation. With the council now working together for just over a year, Stultz provided attendees with sound advice, encouragement and motivation to create their own councils or strategies to help drive a change in their own organizations.

“The passion our council members show to making a difference in our workplace and in our community is contagious,” Stultz said. “We take the approach that we have the best intentions at heart, and we can start small in moving our culture forward in order to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace for all.”